Hi, we've had a lot of requests lately from our lovely customers for InnerTalk's End Codependent Patterns.  So for any of you previously unable to find the page, here are all the details.  This title is in the InnerTalk Relationships Category MP3s which you might also like to explore

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the CombineEssences team xx

InnerTalk End Co-Dependent Patterns MP3

Relationships based on need or manipulation are unhealthy. Become whole in yourself and start creating healthy relationships.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I am whole
I am independent
I am accepting
I am forgiving
I value myself
I am of value
I am worthy
I am deserving
I am positive
I am secure within myself
I need only myself
I am loving
I love myself
I am okay
I am sufficient
I am enough
I respect myself
I expect respect
I give respect
I am respecting
I enjoy myself
I enjoy life
I am responsible for me
I am only responsible for me"

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