InnerTalk Visualisation MP3
Visualisation is a key advantage used by athletes, artists, business people and successful individuals in all walks of life. What you can see in your mind, you can achieve. The ability to visualise can also add real depth to your meditation experiences.
Sample thought modification messages in this title:
“I see mental images.
I breathe deeply.
I visualize pictures.
I see color.
I remember pictures.
I remember scenes.
I remember dreams.
I remember impressions.
I remember in pictures.
I construct visual pictures mentally.
I image in detail.
I image in color.
Imaging is mental movies.
I direct the movies of my mind.
I see. My mental movies are positive.
I sense my mental movies.
I relax.
My imagination is powerful.
Imaging is easy.
Imaging is fun.
I concentrate.
Concentration is easy.
I hold images."
available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks
InnerTalk - combining the power of technology and affirmations. Clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.