InnerTalk Releasing Mental Blocks, Enhancing Mind Power MP3
Sample messages in this title:
"I enjoy creativity.
I enjoy problem solving.
I enjoy research.
I prepare well.
I am mentally tough.
I think clearly.
I move through mental blocks easily.
My mind is sharp and alert.
I am productive.
I love productivity.
I truly enjoy being productive.
I love learning.
I enjoy new knowledge.
I enjoy reading.
Life is wonderful.
I love life.
I evaluate ideas.
I love creative ideas.
I follow through.
I enjoy my life.
I am grateful.
I have a gratitude attitude.
My mind accesses memories easily.
My mind is clear.
My thoughts are clear.
Remembering comes easily to me.
I like remembering.
I enjoy connecting the dots.
Mental blocks dissolve.
I see clearly. I see easily.
I remember new information easily.
I like making the effort to remember." when practicing my lines."
available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks.