InnerTalk My Best With Pride MP3

InnerTalk Success Category

"If a job's worth doing, it is worth doing well".  Bring your best to all of your efforts and see how much easier it is to achieve your goals.  You may also be surprised at how good it makes you feel about yourself.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I am good.
I am a gift from the Creator of all.
I am blessed.
All that I am is a gift.
All that I do with what I am is my gift back to the Creator.
I do my best.
I take pride in all that I do.
In all that I do, I do my best.
I am grateful for all.
I demonstrate my gratitude by doing my very best.
Waste not—want not.
I use my talents wisely.
I use my best abilities in all that I do.
I know that if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.
My best improves.
Everyday in every way I improve.
I am patient with myself and others.
I practice my talents when appropriate.
I improve daily."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

Nature MP3

Music MP3

Both MP3 soundtracks

InnerTalk - combining the power of technology and affirmations. Clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers

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