InnerTalk Overcoming Shyness MP3
Is your fear of people holding you back from meaningful relationships and opportunities for success? Help yourself be your personal best and exude confidence with members of both sexes. Learn to communicate in groups and create new relationships.
Sample thought modification messages in this programme:
"I am comfortable around people.
I am calm during introductions.
I look forward to meeting people.
Contact with people is fun.
I make contact easily.
I enjoy people.
I am liked by people.
I release the fear of people.
Conversation is easy.
Conversation is relaxed.
Conversation is fun.
I am relaxed around people.
I remain relaxed around people
I control my moods.
I control my facial expressions.
I am comfortable with my facial expressions.
I am secure with my appearance.
I am comfortable with my appearance.
Self imposed limitations are gone.
Negative barriers are gone.
Fear is gone."
available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks
InnerTalk subliminal - thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.