InnerTalk Freedom from Jealousy MP3

InnerTalk Relationships Category

The green-eyed monster can raise its head between friends, lovers and in the workplace.  Become secure within yourself and experience a new freedom and happiness with yourself.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I believe in myself.
I accept myself.
I accept others.
I am good.
I am secure in myself.
I choose my destiny.
I accept that others choose their destiny.
I choose to know myself.
I know that I am whole and sufficient.
I know that I am a gift.
I know that I am eternal.
I am confident in myself.
I like me. I respect myself.
I respect others.
I need nothing.
I have within me the kingdom.
I choose peace and harmony.
I release fear and doubt.
I own no one.
No one owns me.
I feel good about my freedom.
I am free of pettiness.
I am free of suspicion.
I am free of jealousy.
I celebrate others happiness.
I allow others their choices."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

Nature MP3

Music MP3

Both MP3 soundtracks

InnerTalk subliminal - thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.

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