InnerTalk Forgiving and Letting Go MP3

InnerTalk Relationships Category

Learning to let go with love is challenging for most of us. Yet not to do so is to bind ourselves and our growth in resentment and anger.

We believe the world would be a much better place if we all lived the principles of forgiveness. Research shows that we'll live healthier lives if we release the anger, guilt, shame and fear that is healed by forgiveness.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I am a gift.
Love created all.
The Divine exists in all.
I see the Divine in all.
Good exists in all.
I see good in all.
Life is a miracle.
I am a miracle.
Living is wonderful.
I am forgiving.
I am appreciative.
Grace is forgiveness".

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

Nature MP3

Music MP3

Both MP3 soundtracks

InnerTalk subliminal - thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.

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