InnerTalk Enhancing Romance, Intimacy and Love MP3
Bring back the magic in your relationship. Rekindle those warm feelings of love, respect and companionship. Relight the fire of passion. Listen and be heard. Let your own personality shine.
Sample thought modification messages in this title:
"I enjoy my intimate relationship.
I enjoy my partner.
I am open with my partner.
I am honest with my partner.
I am relaxed with my partner.
I love my partner.
I respect my partner's individuality.
I respect my partner's desires.
It's okay to be an individual.
I am happy being me.
I enjoy touching my partner.
I enjoy sex with my partner.
I enjoy being touched by my partner.
Loving is giving.
I enjoy giving.
I give without expectation of reward.
I love unconditionally.
It's okay to want your own space.
I am secure in my relationship.
I am safe.
I enjoy being intimate with my partner.
I enjoy relaxing with my partner.
I trust my partner.
I enjoy sharing with my partner.
I communicate openly.
I communicate honestly.
I express my feelings.
I respect my partner.
I respect myself.
I choose to be honest ."
available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks
InnerTalk subliminal - thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.