InnerTalk Concentration Is Easy MP3

InnerTalk Learning Category

Do you lack the ability to concentrate?  This can block learning and comprehension and hold you back at school, at work and in activities where absorbing and retaining information is necessary.  Boost your powers of concentration with this programme.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I think clearly.
My mental processes are clear.
My mental processes are sharp.
I focus
I do it easily.
I hold related ideas.
I network my learning.
I concentrate easily.
Concentration is focused attention.
I do it.
I do it effortlessly.
I do it naturally.
Concentration is fun.
Learning is fun.
I love living.
Concentration is natural.
I am attentive.
I concentrate.
I remember.
Memory is natural."

Available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

Nature MP3

Music MP3

Both MP3 soundtracks

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InnerTalk subliminal thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.