InnerTalk Accelerated Learning and Study MP3

InnerTalk  Learning Category

When you believe that you can study and learn well and when you cultivate the correct habits, you open yourself up to a whole new learning experience.  

This programme is appropriate for people of any age and for mastering any subject.  Use it to fuel the powers of your mind.  You won't believe the speed and ease with which learning occurs.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I learn easily.
I learn effortlessly.
I like learning.
Learning is fun.
Learning is great.
I concentrate.
I do one thing at a time.
I focus.
I perceive clearly.
I am confident.
I am calm.
I am relaxed.
I am attentive.
I am still when studying. I am alert in class.
I listen intently.
I associate learnings.
Learning comes easily.
Learning is powerful.
I remember.
I take careful notes.
I like to read.
I do it easily.
I can do it.
I do it well.
I am a winner.
I study well.
I read with comprehension.
I schedule time to study.
Studying is fun
I like tests.
Tests are easy."

Available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

Nature MP3

Music MP3

Both MP3 soundtracks

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InnerTalk subliminal thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.