InnerTalk Freedom from Stress MP3

InnerTalk Health and Well Being Category

It's important to release tension before it affects your health and behavior. Research shows that upto 80% of all illness is stress-related.  Relieve stress and achieve a state of calm and well-being.  Regardless of however much you need to get done, you'll achieve more when you tackle your tasks in a calm, relaxed and stress-free manner.

Sample thought modification messages in this programme:

"I am calm.
I am relaxed.
I am confident.
I am stress free.
I release stress.
I release anxiety.
I externalize stress.
I desensitize stimuli.
I breathe deeply.
I have a proper perspective.
I am in charge.
I am in control.
I am at peace with myself.
I am at peace with the world around me.
I am comfortable.
I like myself.
I like others.
I love living.
I like exercise.
I exercise.
I like relaxation.
I relax regularly.
I am tranquil."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each
£31.99 for both soundtracks

InnerTalk subliminal thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.

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