InnerTalk Clear Skin MP3

InnerTalk Health and Well Being Category

Having a clear complexion brings its own sense of self-confidence.  Your skin cells replace themselves very quickly.  Your diet, activity, mental attitude and possibly your intention, have all been scientifically connected to cell regeneration.

Sample thought modification messages in this programme:

"My body is wondrous.
My body serves me.
My body responds to me.
My mind coordinates my brain and body.
My mind is powerful.
My mind sees my desires.
My mind directs my reality.
My body responds to my mind.
I see my clear skin.
I see my healthy skin.
My skin is soft.
My skin is elastic.
My skin is clean.
My skin is clear.
My skin is vibrant.
I care for my body.
I love my body.
My body responds.
My mind wills this so.
My mind sees healthy skin."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

Nature MP3

Music MP3

Both MP3 soundtracks

InnerTalk - combining the power of technology and affirmations. Clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.

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