InnerTalk Adult ADHD MP3
Learn to focus and watch the rest of your life thrive!
ADHD in adults can look very different to ADHD in children. Do you find yourself having trouble concentrating and keeping focus? Are you zoning-out, overlooking important details, or having a hard time remembering important events and conversations? Is your impulsivity causing you to become addicted to certain things or habits? Do you feel over-emotional and restless about your current situation? Are you tired of people telling you that you are unproductive or absent-minded?
This programme will help you have the confidence needed to manage your stressful life without your harmful symptoms. It will become easier to control your impulsive behaviors, manage your time and money, organise your life, boost your productivity, manage your stress and impulsivity, and communicate your desires clearly. Use your mind to control your symptoms, and allow your real self to fully express itself!
Sample thought modification messages in this title:
"I am organised.
I plan my days.
I like planning.
I like accomplishing my plans.
I think ahead.
I contemplate my speech and action.
I am a thoughtful person.
I am patient.
I pay attention.
I listen and hear.
I follow directions.
My attention and focus is keen.
My mind is sharp and alert.
I feel good.
I am calm and peaceful.
I feel happy.
I am busy.
I like to exercise.
I exercise often.
I like being active.
I like play.
I have fun.
I am fit and healthy.
I meditate.
I take time to quiet my mind and be mindful of my thoughts.
Meditation is rewarding.
I enjoy exercising my mind.
I like mental tasks.
I enjoy solving riddles and puszles.
I exercise my brain and mind regularly.
I am a good learner.
I enjoy learning.
Learning is an important part of life.
I am a perennial learner."
available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks
InnerTalk - combining the power of technology and affirmations. Clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.