InnerTalk Living in Now MP3

Better Life Category 100 x 98

Worrying about the future can spoil your present.  Often, the things that you worry could happen, never do.  Don't waste the present.  Learn to live each moment to the full, appreciating all that you have right now.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

“Now is all there is.
Living fully in the moment is living in the now.
Each moment is eternal.
In the now, all things are possible.
In the now, I have everything I need.
The eternal Now is now.
My mind is fully in the now.
My body is fully in the now.
All of me is fully in the now.
Now is all I need.
Now is bliss.
I live in bliss.
Now is balance.
I am balanced.
Now is harmony.
I live in harmony.
I remain fully in the now.
My consciousness absorbs every moment of now.
My mind is clear in the now.
I am balanced.
Now is timeless.
Now is eternal.
I am aware of the eternal.
I know all I need to know is in the now."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks


InnerTalk (UK & Europe) Subconscious Learning CDs.  Combining the power of technology and affirmations.

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