InnerTalk Healing from Invalidation MP3
You do matter. You are important and special. You are a unique individual with much to offer to the world. Learn to appreciate yourself and the world will follow suit.
Sample thought modification messages in this title:
“I’m okay.
I’m good.
I’m worthy.
I’m deserving.
I’m capable.
I accept myself.
I have learned from my mistakes.
Life is a lesson ground.
I know I am worthy of dignity and respect.
I respect myself.
I respect others.
I now feel good about me.
I choose to be happy.
I choose to accept my worth.
I am a valid human being.
What I think matters.
What I feel matters.
Who I am matters.
I am a gift.
Life is a miracle.
I am part of the miracle.
I love myself.
I care for my needs.
I respect my being.
I let go of the past.
I empower today.
I live in now.
I forgive myself.”
available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks
InnerTalk subliminal thought modification technology clinically tested and proven by doctors, scientists and medical researchers.