InnerTalk Happiness is Success MP3

Better Life Category 100 x 98

When you choose happiness, success naturally follows.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"Happiness exists within.
Happiness is my birthright.
Happiness is peace.
Happiness is balance.
Happiness is wholeness.
Happiness is harmony.
Happiness comes in acceptance.
Happiness comes from sharing.
Happiness comes from giving.
Happiness comes with forgiveness.
Forgiveness is Grace.
I live in Grace.
I am a gift.
Life is a gift.
All life is a miracle.
I am a miracle.
I am grateful.
I am loving.
Love is the Universal language.
Love is the Universal truth.
I am loved.
I am accepted.
I am whole and sufficient."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

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