InnerTalk Freedom from Responsibility Syndrome MP3

Better Life Category 100 x 98

Do you find yourself taking personal responsibility for things that are out of your control? This process can make life pretty miserable. Learn how to do your best and then let go of the rest. This programme was designed to designed to help you create a mind set that, while encouraging your best efforts, also diminishes your need to inspect everything, set goals that are too high, and seek perfection in everything you do.

Learn to shift responsibility around in positive ways that free you of feeling always responsible for everything. Free yourself today.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I do my best.
I can let go.
I manage my time.
I manage wisely.
I allow.
I do what I can do and then let go.
I am worry free.
I am stress free.
I shed stress.
I am reasonable.
I have reasonable expectations.
I sleep well.
I take care of myself.
I like to exercise.
I exercise.
I take time to relax.
I enjoy relaxing.
I enjoy my private time.
I am free of worry.
I am confident.
I accept help.
I relegate often.
I share responsibilities.
Others help me.
I accept the help."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

InnerTalk  - combining the power of technology and affirmations.

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