InnerTalk Begin Anew MP3

Better Life Category 100 x 98

Starting afresh can be scary. Especially when you've lived with an old routine for a long time. Turn it into an adventure. Take advantage of new opportunities and have fun!

Sample thought modification messages in this product:

“Every day is a new beginning.
Every day each of us begins anew.
Each day holds fresh opportunities.
I meet each day with excitement.
I look forward to building a new life.
All of my tomorrows begin today.
I have a new plan.
I have adjusted.
I am accepting.
I know that everything comes to me for some good reason.
I trust in the grand scheme of it all.
I enter each day with enthusiasm.
I bring my very best to each new day.
I rejoice at having a new day.
I treasure my life.
I love living.
I love life.
Life is a miracle.
I am a miracle.
I accept the miracle.
I am grateful for life.
I have a gratitude attitude.
I find joy in life.
I laugh.
I have fun.
I am cheerful.
I am confident.
I am capable.
I make the most out of everyday."

available with music or nature soundtrack
£19.99 each or £31.99 for both soundtracks

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