Ordering and Paying for your Order

Ordering and Paying for your Order

Apologies to our lovely customers for any recent confusion over paying for your orders.

For the moment, we are not processing payments online.  Instead, we will send you a PayPal invoice.

So, please, order your items as usual.  The only difference will be that at the end of checkout you will not be asked for your card details.  Instead, we will send a PayPal invoice to the email address you gave us.  You will not need a PayPal account, just your normal credit or debit card.

Alternatively, if you prefer to pay by bank transfer, please ask us for account details.

Thank you very much for understanding and again, sorry for any disruption.  Last year our shopping cart service upped its fees by several hundred percent.  So, for the moment, this is our workaround.

Any questions, do, please, message us

The CombineEssences team xx



Shopping Cart at CombineEssences.com

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More benefits of InnerTalk Subliminal Audio

More benefits of InnerTalk Subliminal Audio

In the previous post we looked at the emotional, physical and mental benefits of InnerTalk.


Here we look at additional clinical trials and studies on InnerTalk


Stress Reduction. A randomised controlled trial conducted by the University of Oxford investigated the effects of InnerTalk on stress reduction. The study found that participants who listened to InnerTalk experienced a significant decrease in cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress, compared to the control group.

Smoking Cessation. A clinical trial conducted at a leading addiction research center examined the efficacy of InnerTalk in aiding smoking cessation. The trial revealed that participants who used InnerTalk alongside their smoking cessation program had a higher success rate in quitting smoking compared to those who did not incorporate the audio.

Weight Loss. A study published in the Journal of Obesity explored the impact of InnerTalk on weight loss. The research found that individuals who listened to InnerTalk while following a healthy diet and exercise program lost more weight and maintained their weight loss more effectively compared to those who did not use the audio.

Confidence Building. A study conducted at a renowned university examined the effects of InnerTalk on confidence building. The results demonstrated that participants who regularly listened to InnerTalk reported significant improvements in self-esteem and self-confidence compared to the control group.

Sleep Improvement. A randomised clinical trial conducted at a sleep research center investigated the effects of InnerTalk on sleep quality. The trial revealed that participants who listened to InnerTalk before bedtime experienced improved sleep duration, decreased sleep latency, and enhanced sleep quality compared to the control group.

So if you'd like to experience the power of InnerTalk for yourself, check out it out here.

And if you have any questions, please do ask us. We've been using InnerTalk for nearly two decades so we're always happy to chat, happy to help :o)


Some of the many benefits of InnerTalk Subliminal Audio

Some of the many benefits of InnerTalk Subliminal Audio

InnerTalk offers a unique and effective approach to personal growth and self-improvement. Through its powerful positive affirmations, it has been scientifically proven to enhance mental well-being, boost emotional resilience, improve physical performance, facilitate learning and memory, and support overall health and wellness.

Mental Well-being. Various studies have shown the positive impact of InnerTalk on mental well-being. A study conducted by the University of California found that participants who listened to InnerTalk experienced reduced stress and anxiety levels. This effect was attributed to the audio's ability to reprogram negative thought patterns and promote a more positive mindset.

Emotional Resilience. A study published in the Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy revealed that individuals who listened to InnerTalk reported increased self-confidence and a greater ability to handle challenging situations. This finding suggests that the audio helps rewire the subconscious mind, enabling individuals to better cope with emotional stressors.

Physical Performance. The impact of InnerTalk extends beyond the realm of mental and emotional well-being. Clinical trials conducted at the Sports Science Institute demonstrated that athletes who listened to InnerTalk showed improved physical performance. This effect was attributed to the audio's ability to enhance focus, motivation, and self-belief, ultimately leading to better athletic performance.

Learning and Memory. InnerTalk has also been found to enhance learning and memory capabilities. A study conducted at a renowned university found that students who incorporated InnerTalk into their study routine demonstrated improved retention of information and increased concentration levels. The audio's ability to tap into the subconscious mind is believed to enhance the brain's receptivity to new knowledge.

Health and Wellness. A comprehensive review of studies published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine revealed that individuals who regularly listened to InnerTalk experienced improvements in various health markers, such as blood pressure, immune function, and overall well-being. This suggests that the audio's positive affirmations have a direct impact on the body's physiological responses.

So, InnerTalk helps us tap into our full potential, enabling us to lead more fulfilling lives.

Want to experience the power of InnerTalk for yourself? Check out InnerTalk today!


Hi, we're available throughout the Christmas and New Year break

Contact form or Email: Please feel free to drop us a line at any time.  We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Phone: Apart from Christmas Day itself, we're available every day from around midday to 7pm UK time.  (This is the  same as GMT, Greenwich Mean Time and UTC, Universal Coordinated Time.

So if we can help with anything, do get in touch.  We'll be happy to hear from you  :o)

Call us on +44 207 993 4337  or use the Contact form.

Wishing you a lovely festive break and a safe and very happy 2023!

the CombineEssences team xx

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 CombineEssences Merry Christmas 2023

M-Folia Shipping Costs

A short note on shipping costs
for our friends in Europe and the rest of the world

Shipping costs have altered in the last few years. The cost of small packets has risen disproportionately to that of heavier parcels.

Unfortunately this means the shipping cost for a single m-folia item is also proportionately much higher than for several items. You will find delivery costs for 3 or four items will be less than double for that of a single item.

You may like to experiment with adding and removing items or changing qantities in your shopping cart to see what benefits you best,

And if you need any help, please do ask us.  We're always here, always happy to hear from you :o)

The CombineEssences team xx


Easter Opening Hours and Despatch Times

Our Easter opening times and schedule for despatches

Our Availability
If you would like help or advice on any of our products over Easter, we'll be here! So please drop us a line or give us a call.

Our office hours will be 12 midday to 18.00 hours every day (UK time = UTC-1).  Call us on +44 207 993 4337

Our Despatch Schedule
As you know postal and other delivery systems are closed from Friday 7 April until Tuesday 11 April. So we'll send out all orders from the long weekend on Tuesday April 11th.

Have a very Happy Easter!



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Hi, we currently have 8 offers on the Sale page.

New offers include Lavender Sleep foil wrapped, and a new batch of Citrus Energy foil wrapped.  Both have a sell by date for the end of this month.

Also new, we have Frankincense Romance - both tins and foil wrapped.  Although named Romance, these gorgeous smelling patches actually promote a feeling of calm and centeredness, and with a sense of your own worth.

The other 4 offers - Lemongrass for Focus, Eucalyptus Coughs and Colds, Nausea, and Appetite, are all down in price.

You can make your choice/s or buy any 50 sale patches for £49.99.

The offers are here https://www.combineessences.com/natural-patches-of-vermont/current-offers/

All patches are shipped free, anywhere!

Any questions, please ask us.  We're always delighted to hear from you!

the CombineEssences team xx

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Natural Patches of Vermont Lemongrass,Citrus and Romance


The Healing Magic of Magnessage Magnet Therapy

One of our lovely customers shares some brilliant stories of using the Magnessage over many years.

About 20 years ago I fell down a steep hill while I was cutting down a tree. I fell 12 feet on my back and then continued falling about 12 feet, again landing on my back. I couldn’t walk and had to crawl to my car to get help. I went to my English masseuse and bought a wand from her. In two days, I cooked a dinner for 26 people and in one week I was again riding my horses.

Many years prior, I was also in a bad taxi car accident in Germany and then a skiing fall from which I ended up with a crushed disk in my neck and back. I use the wand whenever my back or neck starts to “complain”. I had been able to compete on cutting horses until just a few years ago. I don’t ride anymore because I am too busy.

A few past stories of other friends to whom I recommended the wand:

A friend (JT) ordered three wands many years ago for her mom who fell down and broke her neck and back. Her mom used the wands daily and returned for a checkup about 4 weeks later. The x-rays showed that her bones had healed like a 20 year old. At first the doctor thought his nurse had brought him the wrong x-rays. Her mom totally recovered.

I got a call from an artist friend (AT) who bought a wand about 3 or 4 years ago. About 10 days ago, she got in the way of her horse when it was frisky and got her hand kicked. Her hand is so much better, she has started painting again.

I have used the wand on horses for many years.
I have a very funny story about one of the times I used the wand on a horse:

Some friends were trying out a $15,000 horse to buy, but it was a bit lame on the fright front. I asked them if I could try the wand on the horse and they agreed. We put it in a cross tie in the barn and I started using it on his neck. The horse leaned into me and got a very calm facial appearance. They I started to run the wand down its front right leg and he lifted his leg sideways, which horse rarely do. I used the wand on it for about 15 minutes. Then I walked around the horse and faced it and asked it how that felt. Weirdly, the horse nodded his head up and down. We all had a good laugh. My friend saddled the horse and rode him off. They bought him and he has never been lame.

Have a great day,

WS in California.


UK delivery
£95 with free UK Delivery

EU delivery
£95 + £8 subsidised EU Delivery

ROW delivery
£95 + £18 subsidised ROW Delivery




A note from us:
The Magnessage can be used for back pain, sports injuries, post surgery healing, joint pain and arthritis, fatigue and sleep problems, menstrual pain, bowel problems, ibs, colitis and constipation, headache, toothache, neuralgia and eye problems, cuts, burns and stings, sexual problems and infertility.

Check it out here https://www.combineessences.com/magnet-therapy-norstar-biomagnetics/magnessage/
This page also links to many other pages which detail the uses to which you can put your Magnessage.

Happy healing!

the CombineEssences team xx


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Hi, we have a super offer on Natural Patches of Vermont Appetite Control patches.

We're currently have an overstock of these patches with a sell by date of 28 Feb 2021.  And since our policy is to never waste anything, we're reducing them to almost half price to ensure they all get used.

The offer is here https://www.combineessences.com/natural-patches-of-vermont/natural-patches-of-vermont-appetite-control-offer/

Any questions, please ask us.  We're always delighted to hear from you!

the CombineEssences team xx

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The Unexpected Peace and Quiet (of Covid-19)

One of the few pleasant consequences of our current crisis is the peace and quiet in our streets and around our homes.

And have you noticed how much the birds have quietened down now they don't have to compete to be heard?

Those of us who live in large cities endure the daily stress of hideous levels of noise - foundation shaking car sound systems, the thunder of traffic and airplanes, mobile phone shouters, conversational shouters, shops blaring music, the banging, and drilling of construction....

When this madness is finally over, for our mental health, could we please make an effort to continue to keep down the noise levels. For example:

Car drivers, do you really need your sound sustem volume set to a level where the noise you make outside your car is greater than it is inside?

Conversational shouters, have you tried not shouting?

Our neighbourhood music school that conducts daily thunderous drumming sessions, could you please get soundproofing?

Shops, does the music from your store have to be heard half a block down the road?

Playing sounds on your phone? Please use earphones. No one else wants to hear your music, tv programme or phone conversation.

People in the park, do you really need to bring a music speaker with you? Try just enjoying the nature and allow others to relax in their own world rather than forcing them into yours.

Late night revellers, please be mindful of the people down whose street you're conducting your cheerful, noisy progress. Most of them will have to be up early in the morning.

As we support each other through this horrendous time, many of us are already discovering that with a little mindfulness and consideration, we can make each other's lives better, including the lives of people we don't know. Lets, please, extend that to when our lives returns to functional. Let's make less noise and improve stress levels for all of us.

the CombineEssences team xx

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Covid-19 - Our updated procedures for packing your orders

Given the current infection uncertainties, we would like to reassure all our lovely customers that we have adopted stringent measures to safeguard you from our end.

All our products are wiped down with surgical spirit when they first come into the building.  This has always been our standard procedure.  These are then stored in airtight plastic containers for optimal freshness and cleanliness.  Again, this has always been our practice.

Since Covid-19,  our routine has been to clean all surfaces in our despatch office three times a day with antibacterial agent.

Individual items due for despatch are wiped once again with surgical spirit immediately before being packed.  And our despatching staff wear latex gloves and and surgical face masks as routine.

At the moment, we are fully stocked with all products.  We are aware that many of our items will be purchased as a comfort during this stressful time and we’re continuing to despatch almost all orders within 24 business hours.

Stay safe and well,
the CombineEssences team xx

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Hi, we've had a lot of requests lately from our lovely customers for InnerTalk's End Codependent Patterns.  So for any of you previously unable to find the page, here are all the details.  This title is in the InnerTalk Relationships Category MP3s which you might also like to explore

And remember, if there's ever a subject you're interested in or a title you don't see, just get in touch.  We're always happy to help and we can supply you with any InnerTalk product you need.  Give us a call - 0207 993 4337 -  (if you're outside the UK, it's 0044 207 993 4337) - or use the form on our Contact Us page.

Have a great weekend!
the CombineEssences team xx

InnerTalk End Co-Dependent Patterns MP3

Relationships based on need or manipulation are unhealthy. Become whole in yourself and start creating healthy relationships.

Sample thought modification messages in this title:

"I am whole
I am independent
I am accepting
I am forgiving
I value myself
I am of value
I am worthy
I am deserving
I am positive
I am secure within myself
I need only myself
I am loving
I love myself
I am okay
I am sufficient
I am enough
I respect myself
I expect respect
I give respect
I am respecting
I enjoy myself
I enjoy life
I am responsible for me
I am only responsible for me"

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Hi, we.ve completed the InnerTalk Health and Well Being Category.  Titles ranging from Excellent Posture and Freedom from Stress to Living Healthily Through Menopause.

It's a long process uploading all of InnerTalk's many titles but we're slowly getting there.

In the meantime, if there's a title that you need or a subject you don't see, please do get in touch.  We're happy to help and we can supply you with any InnerTalk product you need.

Have a great week!

the CombineEssences team xx

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We do more and more of it and fewer of us actually enjoy it.  Air travel can be irritating and frustrating  and for a significant number of us, it provokes anxiety and even fear.

Natural Patches of Vermont Stress Comfort Formula patches soothe your anxieties and stress and provide balance and support for both your emotions and your physical body.

Stay serene at the airport and on your flight.

Arrive at your destination feeling fresher and calmer, ready to get on with your visit.

Questions or something to discuss? We love to hear from you.  Find us on the Contact page.

The CombineEssences team xx

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Hi, the InnerTalk Success Category is up.  38 subliminal keys to success in your life.  Everything from Prosperity  to Actors Remembering Lines, taking in Communication and Enthusiasm along the way. 

We're still in the long process of uploading all of InnerTalk's many titles.  So if  there's a title that you need or a subject you don't see, please do get in touch.  We'll be happy to help and we can supply you with any InnerTalk product you might need.

Looking forward to chatting with you.

the CombineEssences team xx

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Technology to mesmerise you, while filling you with a strong sense of well being!

For the first time ever in the UK, we're offering InnerTalk's subliminal and hypnosis videos.

Mesmerising colour and light with visual and audio subliminals which fill you with a strong sense of well being.

Eldon Taylor describes the video series as "a right use of light and sound.

Check out the video series here 

If you have questions, or if there's any InnerTalk title that you need or topic you're interested in, please do get in touch.  We'll be happy to supply you whatever you need.

We look forward to chatting with you.

the CombineEssences team xx

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New! InnerTalk-Subliminal-and-Hypnosis-Videos


Hi, we've added the InnerTalk Better Life Category. - over 60 life enhancing and transforming titles for you to choose from.  

And if you're not sure about any aspect of downloading Innertalk, please take a look at the help pages:  About downloading InnerTalk and  Downloading InnerTalk titles direct to your tablet or smartphone

In the meantime, if there's any InnerTalk title that you need or a topic you're interested in, please do get in touch.  We'll be happy to supply you whatever you need.

We look forward to chatting with you.

the CombineEssences team xx

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InnerTalk Subliminal is back!

We're very happy to say that after a two month absence Innertalk titles are back on our site.

Our revised most popular audio titles list is up.

Please bear with us while we upload all the categories and titles.

In the meantime, if there's any InnerTalk title that you need or a topic you're interested in, please do get in touch.  We'll be happy to supply you whatever you need.  Or just to chat!

Have a brilliant weekend.  We look forward to chatting with you.

the CombineEssences team xx

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Looking good this summer

In shape and looking good this summer

In between the bouts of untimely snow and rain, we have managed a few lovely days here in London.  And when the sun shines, we start to think about how we're going to look when we can no longer hide underneath our coats and jumpers.

It's time for a self appraisal. Which means looking honestly (but lovingly!) at our bodies. Deciding realistically what, if anything, we could improve WITHOUT going on a mad diet or doing drugs or being a gym freak or...

Next, we think about how to go about making those improvements.  Actually, we all know the answers: eat a little better, do a bit more exercise, drink more water, get more sleep.

We know if we incorporate these into our lives we will lose weight and we will feel happier, healthier, livelier.

But these are realistic fixes, not magic ones.  They don't hold the allure of the latest diet everyone's talking about and they don't give us  the feelings fix of buying shedloads of new weight loss products.

Contrarily, with the realistic and doable, we often need a little help

That's where InnerTalk comes in.  To help train our minds to want what we know will work for us.

As our regular customers know, we only sell products that we use ourselves, that we can happily recommend to our friends.  So to help you get going, may we suggest you check out InnerTalk's Body Image category for the title/s that suit you best.  Titles include Weight Loss Now, Firm Body, Forever Thin, Fit and Healthy and Joy of Exercise and Being Fit.

Other related popular titles are Freedom from Sugar and Freedom from Junk Food.

And last but not least, InnerTalk's Video Entrainment title Weight Loss Now on MP4

So we wish you happy browsing and if you have any comments or questions, or if you just can't decide on which title/s, please do get in touch.  We love to chat with you and we're always very happy to help.


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New Year, New You. Well, Sort Of…

The beginning of the new year can feel like a massive let down.

In the lead up to it, we feel excited, seeing it as a fresh start.  We see ourselves doing better, being better, leading healthier lives and eating healthier food.

Then comes January and nothing feels different. It's still cold and/or rainy.  There are still, in the Western hemisphere anyway, very few hours of daylight.  Rather than feeling bright, shiny and new, it can feel very much like more of the same old. After the fun of Christmas and the hope of new year's eve, it can be positively stale.  We feel let down.  We feel we've let ourselves down by not living up to the promises and resolutions we made ourselves.

So what do we do?  As our new year's resolutions show signs of falling by the wayside, how do we get back to the shiny new start we had promised ourselves?

For myself, I've had to stop holding myself to ransom over failed resolutions.  I treat the end of the year only as a chance to review and see where I would like do better next year.  The operative phrase being "I would like" rather than "I should".  I also know it's unrealistic to expect that immediately from January 1 I will become the better person I had imagined.

I give myself some goals and trust that I will either achieve them or work towards achieving them throughout the year.  And throughout the year doesn't necessarily mean embarking upon everything from day one. It's fine to ease myself into the year.  I also make sure I don't DEMAND anything of myself.  Stern exhortation to do better has never worked for me.

I believe the thing that makes us give up on our goals faster than anything is the weight of our expectations.  It's much nicer to grow into and want to achieve our goals than to grimly set about them because we know we SHOULD.

Most of January is a struggle so my best bet is to mentally hang on to what it is I want to achieve - even when I'm doing nothing towards it. By February, as the days get lighter and longer, I start to see and feel the sense of my goals.  I also notice that actually, I have been doing some work towards my desired achievements.

So hang on in there through January.  Do what you can.  Jogging once a week is better than no jogging - even if you had promised yourself you would jog every evening.  Don't lose sight of your goals - even when you're doing nothing about them.  Even when you're doing the polar opposite - like having pizza for dinner when you had promised yourself a green juice diet.  Know that you are aware of your goals.  Know that you will do what you need to do.

January 1, after all, is an arbitrary new beginning. Your personal new year and rebirth can be at any time of the year that you choose - any time that has meaning for you.  For many of us it's actually much more likely to be around the month of our birthday.

So let's remember to wear our expectations lightly and may we all have a very happy and productive 2018.

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new-year blossom

Christmas and New Year Despatch Schedule

warehouse despatch

Our Despatch Schedule over the Christmas and New Year Holidays:   

Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 are public holidays in the UK.  So our first despatch date this week will be Wednesday 27 December. 

All orders placed over the Christmas weekend will be despatched on Wednesday 27.

Thursday 28 and Friday 29 December will be as normal

Our first despatch after New Year's will be on Tuesday 2 January 2018 and then the rest of that week will continue as normal.

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Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! 

Welcome to our new site.

We'll be adding a few more products over the next couple of months but it's lovely to be ready in time for Christmas.

The old site, CombineEssences.net is still running. So should you for any reason prefer to still use that, we'll continue to maintain and update it for at least the next couple of years,

We hope you like this site and find it easy to use.  If you have questions or suggestions, please get in touch.  We're availabe again from Boxing Day, 26 December, and will return all calls and messages that day.

To all our lovely customers, around the globe, whether you're celebrating Christmas or not, we wish you a brilliant day.

Happy holidays!

the CombineEssences team xx

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